1st ASK Ltd is a team of experienced and professional asbestos surveyors in Kendal.
Operating across Cumbria, Lancashire, and Yorkshire. We assist our clients to be compliant in their asbestos responsibilities. Such responsibilities are enforced by UK laws.
These laws require all owners and managers of non-domestic properties built prior to 2000 to identify and assess asbestos risks. Not only are the surveys we offer a legal requirement but also vital to your health and safety.
The risks associated with asbestos is a matter we take very seriously. Therefore, our surveyors commit to providing a thorough, yet efficient service.
We promise to give honest and knowledgeable advice through clear communication.
Furthermore, we aim to provide your report in a timely manner whilst also working in synergy with your project deadline.
Subsequently allowing you to continue work safely.
Who We Work With?
We have worked with a varied range of clientele for many years. As such, we are equipped with the knowledge and experience to assist the following sectors.
In addition to their extensive experience and spanning knowledge base, our asbestos surveyors in Kendal are fully qualified. Trained and accredited by the British Occupational Hygiene Society.
Therefore, each holds a P402-Surveying and Sampling Strategies for Asbestos in Buildings qualification.
There are two types of surveys a duty holder may require to be carried out to be compliant with HSG 264: Asbestos the Survey Guide. We offer both types of surveys in addition to a sample service.
Therefore, our expert consultants can advise you on which survey is right for your project.
Demolition / Refurbishment Survey
Previously referred to as a Type 3 survey and is designed for properties undergoing refurbishment or demolition.
Previously known as a Type 2 Survey. This survey’s purpose is to find any asbestos containing materials which could be disturbed during general use
and maintenance of the building.
Management surveys can also be useful for identifying asbestos in the home. Whether you are the current homeowner or looking to buy.
If you need asbestos advice in Kendal or any of the areas mentioned above, contact 1st ASK Ltd today! We can provide you with a detailed report from our expert asbestos surveyors with in 1-5 days of our visit.
Mobile: 07734 256 428
Tel: 01539 721 008
E-mail: dan@1staskltd.com