Asbestos Sampling

If you are unsure if a material contains asbestos, you must presume it does. Here at 1st ASK Ltd our surveyors will visit your premises to take samples of the suspect material.

Furthermore, we can test the sample and provide a full asbestos survey if required. If you need asbestos samples in Kendal, Cumbria, Lancashire, or Yorkshire call our team today.

What Materials Can Contain Asbestos?

Asbestos can be found in the home and commercial settings in various forms and materials, for example.

Floor Tiles and Lino

Boiler Room Cladding

Roof Tiles

Roofing Sheets

Pipe Laggings

Insulation Boards (walls and ceilings)


Sewer Pipes

Downspouts and Gutters

Textured Coatings such as Artex

Soffits and Fascia’s

Fires and Surrounds

Fuse Boards

Sprayed Coating

And Many More…

Why Asbestos Sampling is Important?

It is extremely dangerous to disturb asbestos containing materials. When you disturb these materials, it releases fibres which enters your respiratory system. Consequently, this can cause life threatening conditions such as, cancer and mesothelioma. In fact, there is on average, 5000 asbestos related deaths every year!

How is an Asbestos Sample Taken?

If the property was built pre year 2000, then there is a possibility that asbestos could have been used asbestos on your premises. Be it commercial or residential speak to our surveyors today!

After an initial, free phone consultation our team will arrange a site visit to take samples of the material. Such samples are sent to the laboratory to be analysed in detail and the results are expected in 1–5 days.

If the analysis finds the material to contain asbestos our surveyors will carry out a detailed survey and contingency plan to manage the material.

Management Survey

Refurb & Demo Survey

Get Compliant, Be Our Client!

If you require asbestos samples in Kendal,Cumbria, Lancashire, or Yorkshire call our team today. We offer an initial phone consultation free of charge, to as certain whether a site visit is needed.